TEDxAlmendraMedieval, Shake it! Mix it! is built around the concept of ideas that move us, merge, and transform into new ideas, thus transforming us along with them.
Shake it! Mix it! is an event dedicated to the hybridization of ideas, emotions, feelings, signs, challenges, and surprises. Ultimately, we believe that it is in mixture where growth lies. It is in intersections where innovation sparks. It is by coalescing that we learn to keep on growing and sharing.

Auzodance & Grupo de danza Koldo Mitxelena
To nobody, never, in any place!!Dancers: Habiba, Marian, Jane, Salka, Fatima, Daniela, Viviam, Belén, Mariam E, Amaia, Maddi, Nahikari, Itzaro, Loinaz, Ziortza, Silvia, Yanire and Eztizen. Trainers: Andrea and Natasha. This Goian performance comes from a collaborative work with other education centers on the various problems of Vitoria-Gasteiz. The objective is to sensitize both groups of young people (members of Auzodance and Koldo Mitxelena’s dance groups) toward violence against women. In this way, these young girls become part of something that gives back to society by raising awareness on this topic that today is in everybody’s conversations. The feminist platform in charge of the N25 demonstration contacted Goian with the idea of making a promo video of the demonstration through the medium of dance. Thus came the idea of putting the two troupes together and creating the performance ‘Inori inoiz inon ez’, a powerful and evocative dance with the tango Roxanne. Hala Bideo, another company that’s based in the Old Quarter, were contacted for the recording, to boost collaborations between different agents within the Old Quarter.
Workshops & Unconference 2016
Santos Gutiérrez
Keynote Karaoke Ponte en la piel de un speaker de TED por unos minutos. Improvisa una ponencia en minuto y medio a través de un divertido método. Explora tus capacidades de improvisación de una forma original. El único requisito: ganas de aprender y pasarlo bien.
Izaskun Zubillaga
Improvisación de comedia Todos podemos ser creativos si nos dejan. Normalmente, somos los primeros que censuramos nuestras ideas más originales porque las consideramos locas, imposibles de llevar a la práctica, inviables… Sin embargo, desde un hilo de pensamiento a priori incoherente, pueden emerger las ideas más brillantes. Este taller de improvisación aportará a los participantes las herramientas que necesitan para silenciar a su yo más crítico para ser más creativos tanto de forma individual como colectiva a través de una serie de juegos y ejercicios informales. Izaskun Zubillaga impartirá este taller. Actriz y Youtuber formada en Vitoria, Madrid y Los Ángeles, tiene años de experiencia en teatro, teatro musical, improvisación y cine.
Nieves Rúa
Hacia tu meta a toda vela ¿Cuál es la próxima meta u objetivo que quieres alcanzar en tu vida? ¿Cuáles son tus principales valores?¿Qué comportamientos o acciones necesitarías desarrollar para alcanzar tu meta? De todo ello, ¿qué estás haciendo ya? ¿Qué te está resultando especialmente difícil de realizar o te bloquea para alcanzar tu meta? ¿Cuáles son tus miedos? Objetivo del taller: que la persona se haga consciente de qué es lo que puede estar impidiendo u obstaculizando el logro de su meta y qué cambios más profundos tiene que emprender para alcanzar su objetivo. En definitiva, que se haga protagonista y responsable de su propio barco.
Do you want to take home something special from TEDxAlmendraMedieval? Participate in ArtCorner! Bring a cultural object (for instance a book, a CD, a DVD, a paint…) that you want to donate and leave a message inside. When you register, leave the object at the ArtCorner and you will get a coupon with which you will be able to come later and pick up an object donated by another person. * The ArtCorner will be open during coffee and lunch breaks. If you want to meet the former owner of your chosen object, you can look for him or her. Enjoy and have fun at TEDxAlmendraMedieval experience!!!
Ned Hoste
Spark your creativity (in English) Ned has been a professional designer since he was 15. If he could tell his 15 year-old self who he would work with – he wouldn’t have believed it – and he still doesn’t.