We live surrounded by chaos, post-truth, fear, corruption, loss of values, injustice, ignorance, discrimination, hypocrisy…. We know that, behind this thick haze, a new world is possible; more than ever, we need to switch on the light to harmony, truth, security, happiness, justice, understanding, reason… and it’s in our hands. Sometimes, it just takes to push a button.
We can provoke this change, and being a part of this change is the proposed theme forTEDxVitoriaGasteiz in 2018. Do you dare to push the button? Switch on the light!

Hibai Etxebarria
Born in Gernika in the 80s. He dedicates his life to music in many aspects: pedagogue, researcher, producer, composer, interpreter, multi-instrumentist, journalist… Despite having studied computer engineering in his first years at university, he has been lucky enough to make a living out of his passion. He worked for the magazine MondoSonoro and for EiTB. He acted in theaters and as lecturer. He has recorded more than a dozen albums, with different styles, and performing different roles. Today, he is presenting his new personal project: HIBAI. And also, he is playing in many projects that have led him to half the world. He loves risking and trying new things. There’s always something new and someone new from whom to learn. He loves to explore his limits to expand them. Getting out of his comfort zone as, these places are the most enriching and interesting.
Elh Malick
Elhadji Malick Fall, known as ELh Malick, is a Senegalese singer and composer dedicated to music from his earliest childhood. He arrived in Spain 9 years ago and at the age of 20 he self-published his first album in Zaragoza. Now, after a long career on stage, he is about to publish his new album produced in Vitoria, along with a reggae band. His musical style is versatile, the song of the Senegalese and African folklore and the passage by the reggae, the blues and the American folklore always by a unique voice.
Workshops & Unconference 2018
Eider Bernaola
Eider Bernaola - Professional photographer Photography with mobile for social networks Tips to get the most out of our photos taken with the phone, from capture to editing.
José Manuel Torres
José Manuel Torres - Lecturer and investor Introduction to Cryptocurrencies Surely you've heard of Bitcoin, but did you know that there are more than 1400 different cryptocurrencies on the market? Learn the basics of this new financial paradigm and draw your own conclusions.
María José Anitua, Carmen Aja, Raúl Otaolea y Alex Carrascosa
María José Anitua, president of Fundación Arteale and ADCE; Carmen Aja, technical secretary of ADCE; Raúl Otaolea, SystemicUP; and Alex Carrascosa, SystemicUp & ArTeale, facilitator, co-designer of the "Harvard-Pie" Partners Pact for Start-Ups: Collaborative Contracts and Harvard Cake Within the complex activity of the Start-Ups, the agreements between partners do not only seek to predict the future and control possible non-compliance. Conflicts almost never arise as predicted and usually end in the closure of the company. Now we have a revolutionary alternative: collaborative contracts. The workshop aims to explain how these new instruments discover and align the values and interests of the parties, so that consensus helps resolve possible conflicts.
Antxeta Knörr
Antxeta Knörr, responsible for Mamia Eskola Let's talk and taste Artisan Breads There are different ways of making bread and we like ours. In the workshop we will explain why. In a time when bread is made in three hours, it takes us three days. We will explain the differences between types of bread and, of course, we will try them.
Icíar García Peña
Icíar García Peña, Sports Consultant Get to know yourself through Sport The sports practice, the professional activity, the training are focused on the action: look for keys, methods, strategies, etc ... to improve results, although we usually forget who is practicing it. The workshop will show an interpretation that allows us to get to know each other through sports and other areas. Understand how we function, what happens to us, what we feel and what provokes it, the type of relationships we maintain with others, what situations limit us and enable us. Learning to know ourselves allows us to question ourselves, expand our horizon of possibilities in sports, work, studies and life.
Todd Hannula
Todd Hannula - Businessman My Curious Death: Questions for creating a richer life I died on September 12th. How I came back from dead and the fact that I did had an effect on me, those around me, and even my extended network that was unlike birth, near death experiences, or even death itself. In different ways, we all became profoundly aware of the misdirection of our typically fast, successful lives — *we were missing out on the beautiful unknown of living a slow motion life full of connectedness and empathy.
Aitor Sánchez
Aitor Sánchez - Dietitian-nutritionist Switch off the Sugar: Learn to live without added sugar In this useful workshop, Aitor will help us to remove the bandage we all have on nutrition, what he calls the Dietarchy. We will be able to demystify the false affirmations of the necessity of sugar. Through a series of dynamics we will understand how we have succumbed to the power of sugar, what its true effects are and how we can substitute it in our day to day life. Aitor Sánchez is a dietitian, has studied two postgraduate studies and is currently pursuing his Doctorate at the University of Granada, having completed research stays on food dissemination at the Karolinska Institutet and the University of Bristol. He is the founder of the blog "Mi Diet Cojea", and writer of the book of the same name. In addition, he works as a contributor to media such as Radio Nacional and Melodía FM.