Selling is an activity that everyone should know how to do. Selling and asking questions go hand in hand, so if you master one, you master the other. In this theoretical and practical workshop we will show you how to ask questions that sell and we will practice them in a fun way. In just 40 minutes you will learn the basics of sales, whether industrial or not. What do you think?
Aitor Landa is a professional with extensive experience in consultative sales in the world of industrial automation specialising in B2B. Iker Vélez de Mendizabal is a consultant and trainer in sales, negotiations, leadership and personal branding and is dedicated to strengthening the sales departments in industrial companies so that they can achieve the objectives set by their general management. He offers his services on the website Aitor and Iker are both dedicated themselves to technical dissemination and together they produce the weekly podcast Tendencieros Industriales. In this podcast they discuss the latest trends in the industrial world, topics to improve productivity, personal branding and sales.
TEDxVitoriaGasteiz, ideas que lo cambian todo